Hello all! I finished week 33 of my pregnancy! Can you believe my due date is less than two months away!?
How I feel
I’ve DEFINITELY been getting into the nesting mode, and enjoying it! (See more below in “Best Moment this week”). I’m now ready to have the baby yet, but I just want to spend all my time reading and prepping for a baby coming! Why didn’t I have this drive 2nd trimester? Weird. Right now I feel anxious to be done with work, so I can nest. Maybe if I wasn’t working, I would be anxious to have the baby. So work keeping me busy right now is good.
Total weight gain/loss? I gained 1 pound this week!! Overall now I’ve gained 23 pounds. So, right on track to gain 30 pounds total.
Movement – Yes, she continues to move a lot! I’m trying to track her movements more, to see what “schedule” she is awake and sleeping. But sometimes I’m pretty busy when she is moving and I don’t have time to make a note. We had another appointment with our midwife this week and I’m so glad that Baby Girl is still head down. She’s in the same position (Left Occiput Anterior).
Ring on or off? – I had to take my ring off this week. When the weather was warm on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday my hand was so swollen that my ring was pretty tight. So you will see my wedding ring around my neck for the bump photo.
Hunger/Cravings – I’ve been craving smoothies. I think I’ve been to Juice stop 2 times this past week and I’ve made smoothies 3 times (including the extra I put in the freezer for tomorrow morning).
Best moment this week?
Getting the DIY Baby Armoire done!! This has been on my mind awhile. Thanks to my parents for supplying a bookcase, the project was completed in two days, despite my busy schedule. I think I still want to add more baskets to it, so that the pants don’t look so messy but I’m also happy with how it looks.
What I am looking forward to
I saw some curtains I LOVED at Target, so I bought them. Now, I just have to get the curtain rod and hang them up! I’m going to try to get that done this week.
I will be looking for small organizational pieces and really need to start making piles of where everything is going to go. Next weekend I have my church shower, so if the room is organized it will be easier to add the extra gifts in as well!!
Our little “June Bug’s” Growth
We’ve been taking photos since week 6 and showing a fruit or vegetable in the picture that is the same size as our little “June Bug”. Last week: our little girl was over 16.7 inches long and 3.75 pounds in weight (4 oranges). This week: 17 inches long and a little over 4 pounds weight (pineapple).
Linking up at The Friday Baby Shower and My Pregnancy Journal.
© 2013, Betsy Pool. All rights reserved.
The post Week 33 of Pregnancy appeared first on Romance on a Dime.