If you follow me on Instagram, you MAY have seen the news. Last we on Facebook we announced it, and now we are making it blog-official –
We are so excited for our new little one, coming at the end of March 2015!!! Today I am officially 14 weeks and starting my second trimester. I’m glad to be past the nausea and aversion to food. Let me tell you, morning sickness is a bit rougher when you have a toddler that you are trying to encourage to eat. The peanut butter smell made me nauseous, but since pb & j is one of the things Ain will eat consistently, I had to put up with it (or feed him something else and Daddy would feed Ain pb &j in the evenings)!
So, I’m not going to update you weekly, like I did last pregnancy, but I will from time to time post a bump photo and talk about this pregnancy.
Week 14![IMG_20140916_154713]()
Sleep – Lately, I’ve been able to sleep through the night pretty well. I go to bed around 10pm and then sleep until 5 or 5:30am (sometimes later). Then I lie awake with my brain working out a solution to something, or planning something new. I end up getting out of bed around 7:30 or 8am. I’ve found out that at this point, if I nap during the day I won’t sleep as well at night, so no naps for me! (During weeks 4-10 of my pregnancy I definitely WAS needing to nap daily!)
Total weight gain/loss? – During the first trimester my weight pretty much stayed the same – I had some fluctuations, but this morning I weighed the same as the day I found out I was pregnant!
Activity – As soon as I found out I was pregnant this time, I planned out an exercise routine. I did NOT want to just end up walking for exercise, as with my last pregnancy. I knew the doctor’s advised you to not increase your exercise routine if you are pregnant, but you can continue doing what you had been doing. Well, I had NOT been exercising, but I figure that at 4 weeks – that’s early enough to start working out and not stress my body too much. So, I started the Couch2FiveK program. I’ve taken it kind of slow, but today I finished week 7!! I ran for 25 minutes today and covered almost 2 miles. My goal is to be able to run (well, more like jog) a 5K on Oct. 18th – because the Color Run is going on that day is Lawrence – so excited!!
I had also planned on attending Body Boutique and taking part in their yoga or body flow classes, but my schedule has been so busy lately (plus I want to go when Matt and watch Ain). I will DEFINITELY make sure I start going after I’ve made my color run goal. I want to be doing yoga through a lot of my pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? – Yep, I’ve been wearing maternity shirts for several weeks now. They are just comfortable, plus since I have them already – why not wear them? I’m not wearing my maternity jeans yet though – I’ll try to fit in my regular jeans as long as I can.
Best moment last week? - We heard our little baby’s heartbeat for the first time!!
Toddler Tuesday![IMG_20140811_124041]()
For the upcoming months, I want to post about what kind of activities I’m doing with my (almost) toddler (he’s taken two steps independently)!! I’ll be posting twice a month on this topic, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. This will give me some motivation and accountability to get off my pregnant bottom and interact creatively with my son. I had hoped to start this earlier, but during my 1st trimester I was WORN OUT!
This week, I wanted to share three of the activities I did manage to do with Ain during the past month:
1) Dropping Toys into a Container
He LOVED this activity – plus it helps teach cleaning up toys!! I started by just showing him how to drop the blocks into the bucket one by one. He would take them out and do it over and over again.
Then, when he wanted more of a challenge – it’s easy to do by changing where we placed the blocks and bucket.
If I set some blocks on the couch, he could stand, grab the block and drop it into the bucket while holding the bucket. Or, if I put the blocks on the ground and the bucket on the couch, then he would practice squatting to pick up a block before dropping it in the bucket. This way he was building his quad muscles!
Finally, I put the bucket on a chair next to the couch and some blocks on the couch. This way he was practicing walking between the two surfaces!
2) Hide and Seek with music
We have a wind up stuffed animal that plays music. I would wind it up, run to the adjoining room and quickly hide it before Ain came into the room. It’s lots of fun. Sometimes I would hide it with some of still showing, sometimes I would hide it from view and he would have to just rely on the music to find it.
3) Buttons and Bows on the wall
In this activity, I had taped buttons, ribbons, and bows on the wall at about shoulder height or higher so that Ain had practicing walking along the wall from item to item. He kept taking the buttons off the wall, but was just looking at the other things (they were perhaps a bit too high).
Hope all it well with your family!!
© 2014, Betsy Pool. All rights reserved.